Working hours

Tuesday – Thursday 12am 11pm
Friday – Saturday 12am 12pm
We are closed on Monday

Reservation & questions

+ 44 789 899 090

Social media


Personal Data Protection

GDPR, Privacy Policy, and Cookies

By browsing our website, you explicitly agree to the personal data protection conditions outlined below:

About Maison Pampa

Maison Pampa is the company that manages the website

Services offered:

Guesthouses and bed and breakfasts in Provence.

Data Collection

The website collects personal data: – When you browse the offered services. – When you create an account. – When you post, send a private message, or participate in any other form of interaction on one of the services.

What data is collected and why?

When you visit one of the services, whether you have a user account or not, cookies, server logs, and other methods collect your data.
These data allow for the generation of usage statistics, site optimization, debugging to detect possible errors, effective moderation of services, and, in general, are used to ensure the proper functioning of the services.
Regarding statistics, Google Analytics handles this.
As for your personal data (email, name, first name, IP address, etc.), they are only collected when creating an account on the Discourse forum. (No accounts are created on the WordPress CMS section.)
These personal data collected when creating an account are used: – To notify you of current activity on the services. – To allow you to reset your password and ensure the security of your user account. – To contact you in case of legal claims.
Additional personal data that you may provide to enrich your profile page, such as location, birthday, or biography, is invisible to other users and can be modified or deleted at any time. stores your data as long as your user account remains active.

How can I modify, view, download, and delete my data?

You can view and edit all your personal data through your account settings.
You can also download all your posts and, of course, delete part or all of the content.
You can also contact us directly by email: for any additional information or assistance related to personal data.

Where are your data stored?

All personal data retained by are hosted by OVH in France.

Automated Controls

The services offered by are subject to moderation, either automatically via an anti-spam filter, by the community evaluating the relevance of posts, or manually by the service administrator.
A trust level is also assigned to you, giving you access to more options.

Third-party Calls

Calls to third-party services are made to ensure the proper functioning of the site.
The third-party services called include: YouTube, Vimeo, jQuery, Dailymotion, Google Analytics. Other third-party services may also be called.

Cookie Management

We use persistent cookies to improve the user experience. These cookies are stored on your computer even after closing your browser and are reused during future visits to our websites.
We also use cookies to better understand how you interact with our websites and services and to improve these same sites and services.
Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on the site. Google’s use of cookies enables it to serve ads to users on this site and third-party sites.
Users can opt out of this process by visiting this site. Other third-party companies also serve ads and collect anonymized data during your visits to this site.
These companies collect only anonymized data such as your browser type, the date and time of your visit, and the category of the ad clicked.
These companies use cookies or third-party web tokens to collect this information. To learn more about these practices, you can visit here, and to opt out of this process, you must go to your browser settings and use the cookie deletion feature.
The cookie used by the advertising management plugin on the site stores: – The number of previously viewed pages. – The referrer URL (referer). – The number of previous impressions or clicks. – Information indicating whether the user has exceeded the click limit on an ad. – The browser resolution (for responsive display management). – The clicks on a particular ad. Handled by Google Analytics within the framework of the ad display plugin: – Statistics on the number of adblock users. – The tracking methods used by Google Analytics.

You will find all the information on Google Analytics’ GDPR compliance/ToS here.